Friday, October 22, 2010

我想加快脚步。。。 不过我的格性害终是害人害己。。。

Saturday, July 31, 2010


The 1st day in outstation-KL
today was my 1st day in outstation, i was been waiting for quite a long time, finally i can go for training .... and learn as much as i can .... here i can learn alot of think and discover a new cool stuff ... but this need me to sacrifice the time i with family and also my baby ....almost 2 week we only can meet up ... but nvm now technology is quite in .... so we still can c each other by wedcam.... although it not as real as face to face bt atleast we still saw each other just between us was a mirror .... today i drive for 4 ++ hour to reach this busy town -KL..... we was seacrhing and seacrhing for a hotel which near electronic street .... but passing the road, we use up around 1 hour to reach our destination ..... and i learn that human cannot full thrust the GPS .... it only can bring u to dead place ....the hotel quite clean and good just only the place we stay feel not very comfort ...
but overall ok. we hav our dinner in a kopitiam with stage singer performance.i realiz that those food are quite expansive but no we hav no other reason to eat at other place ..... .....guys bali hot - rm1.4 and wen nite 1.6 per per entry........however today we din do anyting just stay at hotel and hav a good rest tmr only continue our journey ......


Saturday, March 20, 2010


The 1st time we both went to a talk.The topic is 相爱很容易相处不难。
The was many theory we need to learn in relation,marry and children.
She are very good speaker .... and was a funny girl and cute. although she around 40 to 50 years old.

After that we went to Winter warmer hav our dinner.

this is wat we fight to win for our dinner...
we hav stand for whole nite till hungry also dun wan go eat .....
hmm... 1s time i step in winter warmer ... and i learn something over here.


Today she tell me, this is the dating she always want because come out with no worries.

米修 米修

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Friday, March 5, 2010


人生是要有目标。。。。 但我的目标是什么?为来的我是做什么?会是个有冲力的家伙吗?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


在很多方面都会有一定的压力,一定的烦恼... 心在想有时是不是我们自己给自已烦恼?
当然。。。 在这年纪有了另一半,肯定会面对一定的问题。更何况如果是家庭不怎么有钱,靠自己给自己领用钱。身边常说。。。有女朋友是件很辛苦的事,不过我在想,这就是人生必经过的事,遇到了问题,就要想办法去解决而不是埋冤为什么当初这样那样?你们知道到吗?爱情也是一样,是种在书学不到的学问,为什么经常就会看到情侣分分合合,就是可能对方不去谅解不去体谅,也有可能对方体谅了但你没有去努力这也是分手的其中原因。如果遇到了问题,不去体谅不去谅解不去努力,到头来,大家都不会开心的。一个幸福的爱情,包容了努力,体谅,为对方照想,牺牲,付出,不讨会,不冤对方。人往往就是这样,一股很不好的臭屁气,就像我自己,有时候就会伤害到自己身边的人。我对不起你们。希望你们可一原谅我。俗语说:大人不计小人过嘛。。。。。。嘻嘻。对我来讲,家人也一样,家人不谅解你,时常都给你冷水喝,这样久而久之,你也不想跟他们说你在想什么.有时候,我很想好好的和家人聊天,想了解一下大家都在想着什么。这样有时就不会说出伤他人的心。沟通在人生种也是一种很重要的学问。


Sunday, February 28, 2010


Recently me and my dear hav some photo shooting. wow i feel sked to hav outdoor shooting d. Maybe i can consider for shooting again if got snow place. if not the weather very hot. Here some photoshooting look. picture not yet get it so just post this pic took by using phone.